※ 預防帳號遭盜用,請定期修改密碼!


  • 密碼不得少於8碼密碼,不得與上次密碼相同密碼,至少必須包含英文大寫字母、小寫字母、數字、特殊符號(不含 _底線);
  • 密碼有效期間為一年,一年後需再修改密碼才可使用校內各系統(系統會自動顯示要求修改密碼)。



English Version

※To protect your account , change your password periodically.

In order to comply with the information security audit plan and the Government Configuration Benchmark (GCB) requirements, please change your password according to the following regulations:

  1. The password must not be less than 8 codes.
  2. The password must not be the same as the last password.
  3. The password must contain at least English uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special symbols(not include _ underline).
  4. The password is valid for one year, so you need to change the password again after a year.

Please change your password as soon as possible. From November 2nd, 2020, information systems would check whether your password has been changed and then verify to access the system. We apologize for any inconvenience.

變更密碼 Change password

忘記密碼 Forgot password

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